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The Southwest's 20 Most Popular Places to Retire

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for October 2.  We are pleased to announce our latest "IQ" quiz - this one on Medicare. It is such an important benefit, so it is vital you understand how it affects you.

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Seven Steps on How to Enjoy Being a Snowbird

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Yuma, Arizona

This famous old frontier town in southwest Arizona has a long history. It is also one of the driest and hottest towns in America.  The population is 95,000 and growing.  A newcomer to the top 20, it arrived this year as #16 on our list of most popular Southwest retirement towns. More »

What Is Your Medicare IQ

Medicare is such a valuable benefit, but how much do you really understand about it, or how get the most value? Take this quick "IQ" quiz and see how much you really know. You'll get an instant score and all the answers. Medicare IQ>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

20 Most Popular Places to Retire in the Southwest

The Southwest and its dry, warm weather is a very popular retirement destination for baby boomers. Here is our 2019 list of its 20 most popular towns and cities, based on the visitor logs at Topretirements. We think you'll find a few surprises.  More>>

Orange Beach, Alabama

This small beach town is the easternmost in Alabama, butting right up against the Florida Panhandle.  For people looking to retire near the beach or who enjoy fishing or golf,  this could be a great retirement choice.   More>>

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